The Threads that Connect Us; Part 2

We carry our noise  
into these mountains, 
as if we know why we ended up here 
as if we know where we are going.

Part 1 of this post pondered the idea of visualising the relationships between ‘things’ using thread. But I think this idea is a little bit lazy. Because when we visualise threads that connect us it could become a bit static. For example, I am connected to my family in various ways. But these connections change on a daily basis depending on numerous other relationships.

Thread might connect us, but they are not fixed in time or space. The knots we tie are in constant motion, ravelling and unravelling every single second.

So the questions that came about in part 1 are now a tad redundant. I guess reflecting the point made above.

So what now? I’m really not sure. I think accepting uncertainty is probably a good start. How can really know where we are going? We dream, we plan, we create curriculum and benchmarks and goals and strategies, sucking us down one way streets never to see the infinite possibilities elsewhere.

But then comes bustling, a huge contradiction. We are all limited. Our geographical location, our bodies, our childhood experiences, the aisles at the supermarket, the money we have access to (or not), the weather etc. Essentially, we are confined by our physical, social, perceptual & physiological environments. We can analyse things, people, contexts from ‘above’ but we are made of those contexts. We are limited & free.

So with this in mind, how can we play within these limits? Part 3 to follow.

Stay Wild xo

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